Jul 252014


Below pond tree field

Below pond Christmas tree field

I’ve spent most of the last two days pulling weeds under trees and “doing tops” in preparation for shearing the tree in the pictured field. I’d had a few observations.
Because of the severe winter and lack of food toward the end, deer did a lot of damage to trees on the north end of the field (to the right farthest from the greenhouse), eating whole branches and buds off a lot of the small trees…most will take a few years to recover.
I’ve not been stung once in this field this year…normally I stir up yellow jackets and have probably averaged two stings per year.
There are an abundance of bird nests in this particular field. I found four nests with just hatches babies, only because startled mothers flew out while i was next to the tree. I’m guessing that one out of every fifteen trees has a birds nest in it. Christmas trees are a really important habitat for birds!
The Christmas trees are much better looking this year than they have been for several years. This is because of no late spring freeze and not too much rain like we’ve had in past years.


  One Response to “Birds, bees, deer and Christmas trees”

  1. OK..didn’t know yellow jackets could read…but they got me today, one day after bragging that I hadn’t been stung yet. Got mu just below the lower lip…I will get them at dusk!